It's finally that time of the year! Do you fancy a creative Advent calendar in the bullet journal? Then you've come to the right place. With my freebie, you can easily create your own Advent Calendar in your bullet journal. In addition to my free template (which you can download below), all you need is a pair of scissors, a pen, glue, washi tape of your choice and a some time for creativity. So let's get started! I'm so excited to open a daily door with you guys until Christmas is finally here ♥

How the bullet journal advent calendar works
The 2024 advent calendar freebie includes 24 cozy little houses and 24 notes (in german and english). If you need a german instruction please switch the language on the top right. The doors are filled with notes full of mindfulness like creative to-do's or kind words. We will open a "little house" every day from December 1 until December 24. The whole thing is just a countdown until Christmas. If you would like to follow my advent calendar, feel free to check out my Instagram . There you will get monthly bullet journal set ups, cute how to doodle tutorials and cozy illustrations.

Let's create this cute bullet journal advent calendar spread with my freebie pdf
Step 1: Please print out my advent calendar template. Please note: The template is created in A4. Select "actual size" and "horizontal format" in your print settings and set the print quality to "high" if possible. Turn off double-sided printing.
Choose a double page in your journal or use a A4 paper (horizontal format) for crafting the calendar. Next you should cut out all houses and fold each of them. It's important to fold the left white side backwards (as shown in the following pictures). Then put all the houses in your journal or on your paper which you would like to hang up (it's easierif you first plan where the houses are to go. I love to mix all the numbers because this way I have to search the right number each day :) it's more fun. However, you can stick them on the way you like it most. If you like to add a lettering headline like me just leave a little space at the top of your double page/paper or write your headline down in advance. Then glue the little houses in place.

Step 2: Now it's time to cut out the notes. I always do this one after the other and stick each one directly into the matching house number. This way I can't get them mixed up.

Step 3: Finally use a cute washi tape and cut off small pieces. It's a easy way to close the houses without damage them. After all I write my headline with a micron pen no. 3.

Please click the button below to download the 2024 advent calendar for free
Best for download on a laptop. If you want to download it on your cell phone, e.g. in Safari, then press and hold on “freebie_bujo_ad....pdf” until the menu pops up. Then go to open. The template will then open in an extra tab and you can save it in your files as a PDF.
I hope you guys are ready for a new advent calendar season! How do you like the new template? Let me know in the comments here or on Instagram. I would love to read your feedback. Join my Instagram community and let's open a door every single day until christmas. Can't wait to meet you.
Happy Journaling :)

© all rights reserved Somekindart by Julia Ihle. This file may never be duplicated or sold. For private use only.